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Those Nights At Rachel's

  • ...and turned out to be a joke game. Sorry, folks. Those Nights at Rachel's has the following tropes: The Bad Guy Wins: Possibly. After beating Night Five, you get promoted. Seems fine and dandy, but the Night 5 message implies that you're being Kicked Upstairs for knowing too much, and you'll become a scapegoat.

  • Big Bad Duumvirate: Doug and Rachel, though they pale in comparison to the game's true Big Bad Duumvirate, the manager and the game's Phone Guy.

  • Big Bad Friend: The game's phone guy, who's implied to be the Purple Guy.

  • Coffin Contraband: The coffin in the room next to the Office hides a Puppet lookalike called the Thing.

  • Downer Ending: The player gets promoted to the manager position, which leaves him at the mercy of the Phone Guy if he decides to blame him should anything happens at Rachel's. Not to mention he develops a fear of the animatronics, which is implied to be lifelong.

  • Expy: All the characters in-game behave similarly to a character from the Five Nights at Freddy's games: Rachel and Doug act like Bonnie from the first game, attacking through the left door with no notable gimmicks.

  • Pete and Bane act like Chica from the first game, attacking through the right door with no notable gimmicks.

  • Ray acts like Foxy from the first game, waiting behind an out-of-the way area and rushing you if you don't pay enough attention to him.

  • Shadow Rachel acts like Shadow Bonnie from the second game, randomly appearing in your office and possibly crashing the game.

  • Finally, The Thing acts like the Puppet from the second game, requiring you to pay attention to it from time to time lest it unavoidably jump you. Makes sense, considering that The Thing resembles a demonic Puppet.

  • Hard Mode Perks: Playing the game on Hard Mode allows you to see The Thing within the Extras Menu. Oddly, you don't have to beat the game on Hard Mode; you can beat the game on normal mode, then just switch to Hard Mode.

  • Here We Go Again!: Despite the player's promotion, the game ends exactly like it started: the player sits in the Office to monitor the animatronics for the night shift.

  • Nothing Is Scarier: As with Five Nights at Freddy's, one security cam view is permanently disabled, forcing you to listen instead of look for animatronics. This time, it's the bathroom instead of the kitchen.

  • Ominous Music Box Tune: A music box rendition of "Silent Night" plays in the ending screen after completing five nights, implying that the game takes place around Christmas.

  • Perverse Puppet: The Thing, the animatronic that lurks within the coffin in the back room, is essentially Nightmarionne on steroids.

  • Red Filter of Doom: Hard Mode applies a red filter to the game, making everything look more ominous.

  • Silliness Switch: Inverted with the game's hard mode. It makes the game darker, and makes the already-creepy animatronics look even more terrifying.

  • Wham Line: During the Night 5 phone call in which Phone Guy accidentally calls you instead of the manager:I told you to do something drastic so we can get a step ahead of the company down the street. What's the big deal!? They've already had one incident. Throwing in another would TOTALLY work.

Those Nights at Rachel's

Despite being the titular character, Rachel is fairly inactive in Normal Mode in terms of how often she actually visits the left office hallway. She will only approach the player once a night at most, and is most likely to do so on Night 2. On Hard Mode, however, she is about as active as Bane, approaching several times a night on early nights and two to three times on later nights. She is also much harder to find and distinguish from Doug on Harder Mode, as she is almost always silhouetted, particularly in the left door hallway. She is most often seen in Arcade Room 1, where she tends to remain for long periods of time, at least in Normal Mode.

Ray will start in Raccoon's Hut on each night. He is fairly inactive on the first two nights, and gradually becomes more of a threat, only being active enough to reach the player on Night 3 onward or rarely on Night 2. He can then be said to become active on Night 3. As with The Thing, Ray is able to detect the player under the desk and so hiding will not work if he leaves. Staying in the back-room also will not delay his attack.

The Thing hides behind the curtains, which can be found in the back-room behind the office. The Phone Guy seems very wary of the security guard's actions in the first couple of nights, before realizing that the guard has everything under control. He constantly reminds the player to never let the curtains that imprison The Thing open; if they do, The Thing will escape from the area behind the curtains and head straight for the player's location. The Phone Guy states that The Thing is one of the only animatronics you cannot hide from, whether you hide under your desk or try to stall time by checking the cameras. The only other animatronic that can do this is Ray the Raccoon. It also has a gun.

The Thing can never leave the box while the power is still on and the curtains are closed. It seems he can only become awake once there is enough light on the box when the curtains are opened as shown by watching the curtains open slowly on early nights when there is time; however, shining the flashlight at the room or on the box directly does nothing. He can be seen when shining the flashlight that the curtains do not actually ever close all the way, always leaving a gap open to reveal the gift-box.

The Thing makes a special appearance in the Night 5 cut-scene. In their bedroom, the player will wake upon hear thuds and laughter resembling those of other animatronics approaching, and switch on the lamp. Their door will open and music will be heard, and the player will turn off the lamp and bury themselves deeper in the covers. The door will slam shut, and more laughter will be heard. The player will turn towards the lamp and soon be jump-scared by The Thing. They will then wake up in the D'n'R office and realize the whole event was a dream.

The Thing hides behind the curtains, which can be found in the backroom behind the office. The phone guy constantly reminds the nightguard to never let those curtains fully open, if they do, The Thing will escape from the area behind the curtains and head straight for the players location, the phone guy stated that The Thing is one of the animatronics you cannot hide from.

The Thing can never leave the box while the power is still on and the curtains are closed, it seems he can only become awake once there is enough light on the box, when the curtains are opened as shown by watching the curtains open slowly on early nights when there is time, however, shining the flashlight at the room or the box directly does nothing, he can be seen while shining the flashlight that the curtains do not actually ever close all the way, always leaving a gap open to see the gift-box.

She is a light grey rabbit animatronic with long, articulated bunny ears similar to Bonnie, and a large, smooth head that lacks eyebrows in any form, (as opposed to the molded ones on Pete and Bane), and features round magenta eyes with long eyelashes. Rachel's suit also features a big purple bow-tie, which is somewhat squashed by her jaw when she opens her mouth. She has a skinny, tall torso, a triangular face, three-toed paws, and thicker versions of the generic arms and legs.She seems to have her endoskeleton mouth showing in her costume mouth, as visible on-stage and in the Extras. She has two white buck teeth, and the rest of her teeth are fully visible. Rachel also has a lighter color variation of the same color as her body (which is grey) on her muzzle, inside her ears, on her stomach and under her feet. She also carries a silver and black microphone on stage similar to Freddy Fazbear from Five Nights at Freddy's. Rachel also has another variation of her that is extremely rare to encounter named Shadow Rachel, with a completely black body with bright white eyes and teeth similar to RWQFSFASXC in Fnaf 2.In Normal Mode, Rachel becomes active on Night 1, but is not active enough to attack until Night 2. She will start off each night on the Show Stage. She will then proceed to go to either the South Hall, Dining Area, or Arcade Room 1, and may switch between these, while not returning to the stage. She often appears silhouetted. She can sometimes be heard laughing as she moves, and has two distinctive, high-pitched laughs that are more sudden and less resonating than the ones from Doug, Pete, and Bane. The player must check the left doorway for her (and Doug), and either close it or hide under the desk when they see her, until they hear footsteps indicating she has left.if the player fails to heed these warnings, Rachel will attack them, resulting in a Game Over.Despite being the titular character, Rachel is fairly inactive in Normal Mode in terms of how often she actually visits the left office hallway. She will only approach the player once a night at most, and is most likely to do so on Night 2. On Hard Mode, however, she is about as active as Bane, approaching several times a night on early nights and two to three times on later nights. She is also much harder to find and distinguish from Doug on Harder Mode, as she is almost always silhouetted, particularly in the left door hallway. She is most often seen in Arcade Room 1, where she tends to remain for long periods of time, at least in Normal Mode.

Ray the Racoon-Ray is a raccoon animatronic in the horror game Those Nights at Rachel's. Ray is a rather damaged animatronic, although his head seems to be in rather good condition, with only two damage marks (on the right side of his snout and left cheek). He appears to have whiskers, which upon close examination are actually additional smaller scratch marks on his snout.Ray wears a black robber's hat and a pink bandana. His torso, covered in rips, is slender with a white to light grey marking, resembling Rachel's appearance, and he wears what appears to be a belt and holster. His appendages, which are the generic D 'n' R template (with the addition of a striped raccoon tail), are mostly grey, and also ripped in spots. He also has pink on the insides of his ears, black markings around his eyes, and spray of white on his snout, and damage in these areas as well. Ray's eyes are pale violet.Ray will start in Raccoon's Hut on each night. He is fairly inactive on the first two nights, and gradually becomes more of a threat, only being active enough to reach the player on Night 3 onward or rarely on Night 2. He can then be said to become active on Night 3. As with The Thing, Ray is able to detect the player under the desk and so hiding will not work if he leaves. Staying in the back-room also will not delay his attack.The player will have to check on his camera frequently otherwise resulting in him running towards the office. Unlike Foxy from FNAF, he must simply be checked as often as possible - there is no penalty for checking too often. Since he cannot be deterred or properly detected without the cameras, he forces the player to use them.Ray has four stages. First, he will peek out of the hut very slightly. Second, he will peek out more. Third, he will stand up and look at the camera from inside the hut, while not exposing his full body. The final phase is him looking directly at the camera, standing in a still position.If the player fails to keep an eye on Ray, he will run from the hut and down the hallways leading towards the right door. If he is heard running in the east cameras, the player may catch him gone, or see him running in the East Hall or Arcade Room 2. This gives the player precious seconds to close the right door, otherwise, Ray will enter the office and jump in the player's face. Should you be watching the other animatronics or be doing something else and Ray happens to slip out of the hut area without you knowing, you will hear very loud footsteps again, you'll have to guess which door he will come from, with little help from his running duration to indicate anything. 041b061a72


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